It’s said that College gives you an experience of a lifetime. But I argue that lifetimes of experiences can be found in our college. Being a final year student myself, I am compelled to look back at the fondest of my memories spent while pursuing my Bachelor’s degree at Pillai’s College of Engineering. And here’s why I think you can have the best experience that will forever hold a place in your heart.
Academics & Activities
I had chosen Electronics Engineering. In the beginning, I wasn’t quite sure how different the subjects would be from the concept that I had been familiar with. When I got my schedule, the subjects in the first year were not so different, it was a relief. The whole semester we learnt things that were both old and new. I vividly remember being in our engineering workshop and our first assignment was filing a metal piece and shaping it accordingly. Our workshop hours were once a week but 2 hours. The entire two hours were spent filing that tiny metal piece but also taught us the importance of patience. We learned that being patient was the only way to get our desired result. This is just one example of how we learnt different life lessons through a practical approach. Fast forward to three years later, I can proudly say that every experience, situation or phase I went through taught me something along the way. One thing I would suggest to every student who is about to enter college life is ‘trust the process”. Everything indeed happens for a reason. Yes, there will be assignments, practicals, lectures, tutorials and whatnot but these are the only times that we get to live our life to the fullest.
The one thing that grew my love for the subjects was the practical assignments given. In the outside world, it’s not theoretical knowledge alone that serves you, you need practical skills, which the college follows very seriously. The chemical reactions, electric circuits, metals clanking, pendulums being recorded, measuring each movement is what tells you how the world works. It isn’t very hard to understand the concept when you try to give examples in your day to day schedule. Other than these we’re taught how to survive the corporate world. Life is a rainbow until you graduate, the real struggle starts when you step out in the real world.
I was pushed out of my comfort zone and that made me discover talents and skills I never knew I had. To this day, I owe the university for helping me enhance my social skills. Taking part in committee events where you might have to work where you’re the anchor, editor, designer, writer or anything else, gives you an experience that becomes very helpful in the long run. When you come out of your shell and step into a world that’s completely new to you, you slowly adapt to it. That makes you feel heard and understood, which is an essential component in any community.
Experiences & Events
Fests are a bonding experience that brings people from all walks of life together amicably. Whatever stream you come from, once you step through the venue doors, everyone in your immediate vicinity is there with the same goal in my mind. Even at a departmental event, the sense of belonging is palpable. There aren’t many places where you can get that same vibe. Freshers Day sets the tone for the college journey ahead. It shows the trailer of the upcoming exhilaration and excitement we weren’t expecting. There are so many committees, it can become confusing which one to join. CSI, IEEE, Alumni, AESA-MESA, ETSA, TPC, Tapas, SWE and ISHRAE are the committees that each student can become a part of to enhance their skills. The different positions in them help you in discovering your hidden talents. The different events organised by these have always been successful.
Other than the committees, Hyperion, Spark and Vanguard are the racing teams to join if you want to feel the rush you get when you’re out on the field. Not one of them has ever given us a chance to complain for just being a part has made us feel so proud of our accomplishments. The faculty has always been supportive and has encouraged us to do what we can. There have never been restrictions when it came to exploring the depth of our talents. Now, many might think that being an engineering student, we don’t have much fun and I have been one of these people but I have been proven wrong. Traditional day, rose day, mismatch day among many have always been around to help us blow off some steam. These are the days when students dance, enjoy and let loose. But the most important event for us was Alegria, the only event we waited for the entire year. The only event organised by the students for the students. Celebrity guests, hundreds of events, food stalls, concert nights and a few days full of a lifetime of memories.
Participation & Conclusion
A crucial lesson I learned early on was to never miss an opportunity. Every step is a learning ground, don’t be afraid to experiment and try. Participating made the rest of the journey easier. I became a part of Alegria’s content writing team and after a long time showcased my talents in front of such a huge audience. That platform has given me so much, more than what I would’ve hoped for. I am thankful for all the opportunities and wish to give back someday.
Go beyond what you think you are meant to, seize every opportunity. Don’t be afraid to experiment and explore.