
  • Ph.D.
    2021: Mumbai University in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  • M.E.
    2010: Mumbai University in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  • B.E.
    2007: Mumbai University in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Research and Consultancy

  • Development of Navtex Tester used for testing Navtex Receiver–the weather information receiver, generating information of signal received from satellites used in Navy
  • Development of memory designing of data recorders available on the black boxes on ships


Electromagnetics, Microwaves, Management Information System

Important Publications

  • Book-Fundamentals of VLSI Design (ISBN 978-93-5099-184-8) Old Course-Sem 7-ETRX; M.E.-Sem1(elective). Sem6 EXTC and Sem 6-ETRX. (Mumbai University) more…
  • Book- Wave theory and Propogation(ISBN 978-93-5099-613-3) Old Course- Sem4-EXTC. (Mumbai University) more…
  • Tusharika S. Banerjee, Arti Hadap and KTV Reddy, ‘Understanding the focusing of charged particle for 2D sheet beam in cusped magnetic field’, Under Accelerator Physics section, Cornell University Library, arXiv: 1607.02492, July 2016 more…
  • Tusharika S. Banerjee, Ayush Saxena, Arti Hadap, KTV Reddy, ‘Particle-In-Cell Simulation of a RBWO with Experimental Voltage Input Pulse and External Magnetic Field’, Physics Open, Elsevier, ISSN 2666-0326 Vol.100015, No.3,pp. 1-4, February 2020 more…
  • Tusharika S. Banerjee, Arti Hadap, Ayush Saxena, KTV Reddy, ‘Enhanced efficiency of C-band Sheet Beam Driven Backward Wave Oscillator Guided by Periodic Magnetic Field’, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Wiley Publications, ISSN 2666-0326 Vol.63, No.2, pp. 459-465, February 2021 more…

Awards and Recognitions

  • Rank 1 in PhD Entrance Test in 2012, conducted by Mumbai University (Technology, EXTC discipline)
  • Work is included under Accelerator physics section, Cornell University – New York – Library cited by NASA and endorsed by Astrophysics Data system (High Energy Astrophysics division – Harvard) (2016)
  • Achiever of Bharat Shikska Ratan – In recognition of sterling Merit Excellent Performance and Out-Standing Contribution for the Progress of nation and worldwide, under National achievers Recognition forum) (2018)
  • Reviewer in 2016, 2019, 2020 for American Journal of Physics
  • Nomination of Project Group in 2017 (SATA, Solar systems) at Zee-Innovators Award
  • Received Mata Surjeet Kaur Virdi Samman-2021-Roll of Honour for applaudable leadership & an exceptional benefaction for respective social Welfare by G-SUR-Registered Institutional training Institute under Government of India (2021)

Personal Website and Social Media