- M.E.
2015: (Computer Engineering), Pillai College of Engineering, Mumbai University - B.E.
2010: (IT), SGBAU, Amaravati University
Research and Consultancy
- Development of Part of Speech Tagger for Marathi Language
- Sentiment Analysis in Marathi using MSWN
Database, NLP, Operating System, Computer Networks, Computer Programming
Important Publications
- Shubhangi Rathod, Sharvari Govilkar, Bakal J. W., “Part of Speech Tagger for Marathi Language” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 119 – No.18, June 2015 more…
- Shubhangi Rathod, Sharvari Govilkar, “Survey of various POS tagging techniques for Indian regional languages”, (IJCSIT) International Journal of and InfComputer Scienceormation Technologies, Vol. 6 (3), 2015, 2525-2529 more…
- Shubhangi Rathod, Harshada Sonkamble, Dipti Pawade, “Novel Approach for Glaucoma Detection”, IJAIR- Volume 4, Issue 10 (October 2015) more…
- Shubhangi Rathod, Pooja pandey, “A framework for Sentiment Analysis in Marathi using MSWN”, International Conference on Contents, Computing and Communication (ICCCC-2017)
- Shubhangi Rathod, Rahul Jadhav, Dipti Pawade, Harshada Sonkamble, “Visual Cryptography Schemes Using Secrete Sharing: Survey Report”, IJCST Vol. 4, Issue Spl – 1, January – March 2013 more…
Awards and Recognitions
- Winner of Technical Paper Presentation (TPPC) at District level
- Third rank at University level
Certified Courses
- One Day Workshop on “Research Proposals and Publications by PCACS”
- One week FDP101X “Foundation program in ICT for Education” National Mission, AICTE Approved, Sponsored by MHRD, organized by IITB from August to September 2017
- One week FDP201X “Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching Learning Process” National Mission, AICTE Approved, Sponsored by MHRD, organized by IITB from October to November 2017
- Two days weekend training “Program for Machine Learning” at PCE, New Panvel
- One week Workshop on “Introduction to Algorithm Design”, IIT Kharagpur at PCE, New Panvel
- Worked as a Mentor for students of S.E. I.T. for NPTEL course “Fundamentals of Database Systems”