
  • PhD (Pursuing)
    Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Lonere
  • M.E.
    2010 Terna Engineering College, University of Mumbai
  • B.E.
    2007 Konkan Gyanpeeth College of Engineering, University of Mumbai

Research and Consultancy

  • The project entitled: “A Four Band Notched Monopole Antenna for Bluetooth and Ultra Wide Band Applications” as Co-Investigator was carried out under minor research grant sanctioned vide reference number Circular No: APD/ICD/2018-19/593 Dated 16th March 2019 amount sanctioned Rs. 25,000/-.


Electrical Network Analysis and Synthesis, Computer Communication Network, Circuit Theory, Electronic Devices and Circuits

Important Publications

  • A paper published in “International Journal of advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences” ISSN 2249-7455,2012 titled “ Multihop Dynamic Channel Allocation Technique for TDMA based system”
  • A paper submitted and presented at National Conference on Pervasive Computing, NCPC 2010, Theme “On and off chip seamless computing”, IEEE Approved and Sponsored Conference held on 9 – 10th April 2010, at Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, presented paper tiltle” An FPGA based approach for the control of an Autonomous Robot using interactive VHDL”
  • A National Level Paper published and presented at RTEIT – 2006, SRES College of Engineering, Kopergaon on “Implementation of Remote Sensing and Automated Information Systems for Navigation of Automobiles using Global Positioning System”.

Personal Website and Social Media